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Martial Arts and Combat
Sports: from power to action

Luca Tinti


Castor: A contest between two men using fists.
Pollux: With fists as well as with feet.
Castor: With all the strength you have.
Nunc, si cui virtus animusque in pectore praesens, adsit et evinctis atollat brachia
palmis. Now, if someone possesses skill and ready courage, let him come forward and
raise his arms with bandaged fists.
(Virgil Canto V Aeneid)
French boxing is the product of great patience and long study. When you know
everything there is to know you invent more. And when you have invented more, you
still have to learn.
Georges Carpentier (boxer and actor)


Operative Tao and the Landsknechts


Reinterpreting the myth of the cave by Plato in the "Republic",chapter VII * A discipline of body and spirit

by Christian René Robin


The practice of Tai Chi Quan allows the practitioner to balance
and direct the mind. It is a full awareness of one's own
corporeality through understanding and the will to act on
oneself. This technique offers everyone the possibility to realign
and free themselves from the contingencies of the world,
achieving a salutary mental detachment. No longer subject
exclusively to discursive reason Tai Chi Quan allows the
individual to efficiently understand the natural and independent
power of the physical body on the mind. The mind is left
unaffected by all else and comes to believe it has full
dominance over the subject before it. The practice then
develops fundamental abilities: the power of sustained mental
concentration and internal control of the body, both muscular
and organic. It is a strengthening exercise of both body and



E u r o p e

by Gabriele Adinolfi



As a boy the watchword that stood out among us was “Europe Nation”.
Behind that magic formula hided something very much different from an intelectual’s theory,
expressed by a double awareness attributed to: identity and destiny.
At the time the political commitment was not superficial, neurasthenic and sterile as nowadays is.
The militant was neither a consumer nor a tele voter, neither trained to the binary language nor
imagining the revolution either as a flash on the window of a social network or as a gust of tweet or



by Gabriele Adinolfi


Imperium was not only the source and the attribute of the military command in Rome, but an axial
prerogative, like the sword, the fasces and the sceptre, which, as such, represented the Axis of the
It was originally connected to Lictorian fasces in ancient Roman monarchy, when, to take the
kingship meant especially to be Rex et Pontifex, and so to act as a bridge between the visible and the
invisible, and especially as a landmark.