He straightness, silence, faithfulness to one's word, tenacity, wisdom, inspired by the ethics of
eponymous heroes for a sort of new Chivalry or courtly civilization, both spiritual and temporal.
The Landsquenet aspires to achieve an inner verticality or at least discipline and style.
The Landsquenet must therefore follow an inner path and an outer path that go hand in hand.
For the Landsquenet, Europe is both a myth and an identity model of the past and the future.
For this the Landsquenets must cultivate national, regional and European history and identities
because Europe is an Imperium not an alternative globalism.
How the Landsquenet is special
Almost all the actions and publications in which the Landsquenets participate are carried out by
study centres, radios, associations, etc. But being Landsquenet is – or rather MUST BE – something
special. This something special resides in the style and spirit with which one participates in the
initiatives, in order to give them depth, centrality and finally a European dimension.
It is a matter of ensuring the superiority of Being over Becoming and stability in impersonality, by
accepting the most onerous of challenges with oneself.
For these reasons, the work on oneself and the mentality of the Landsquenet are of the utmost
importance. The maxim.
The Landsquenet must therefore follow an inner path and an outer path that go hand in hand.
For the Landsquenet, the definition of the enemy requested by Schmitt responds to the maxim "the
first enemy is you".
For it, the revolution, to be re-volved, is the putting in order in Chaos, not a different version of
Chaos. He must feel at the service of a common good and know how to discipline himself even
from alone.
The common good is pursued with the creation of broad, constructive and relaxed relationships, in
synergy with anyone who tries to do something right.
The Landsquenet promotes initiatives, or adheres to initiatives, which are far from sectarianism and
incapacitating dogmas. Enemy of all defeatism, he participates in positive and constructive
tendencies, without ideological dogmas.
Nothing for the Landsquenet can be successful if it is not in line with the natural value hierarchy.
No pragmatism can make sense if there is no clarity of principles upstream.
This is why the Landsquenet deals above all with training: his own and that of others.
In doing so, he must cultivate modesty: knowing that, whoever he is, he must always learn and that
there is no shame in asking for enlightenment and support from others.
The Landsquenet is formed on cultural and spiritual foundations. For him, his Country and Europe
are both a myth and a model of the past and the future. Therefore every Landsquenet is required to
cultivate national, regional and European history and identities because Europe is an Imperium not an alternative globalism.
Moving on to the practical act
When the Landsquenet acts in politics or metapolitics, he undertakes to be the bearer of criteria
inspired by both concreteness and rectification in the prevailing chaos.
The Landsquenet do not want to form a sect or a closed group but to become the silent and
illuminating conscience of the critical forces, to be understood as positive, rectifying and
revolutionary, not as seditious, revolted, impatient, anguished, angry and unhappy.
The commitments of the single Landsquenet
Becoming an effective Landsquenet therefore deserves it and it is a source of pride which must,
however, be lived with humility. The Landsquenet must undertake an inner journey that requires
him to be able to keep silent when others speak, to listen, to be polite, always and in any case. He
must discipline himself, carry out at least one physical activity, familiarize himself with some
ceremonial (tea, the sword, the grape harvest, etc.). He must choose the object of his personal floral
tribute once a year, which can be a tomb, a monument, a place of martyrdom or even, preferably, a
place of victory. He must devote himself to formative reading. At least four times a year (in
correspondence with solstices and equinoxes) a meditation must be imposed that clears the mind for
a few minutes.
This affects every single Landsquenet autonomously. He is like a Ronin who takes the road to
become again that Samurai who continued to be in disorder.
In a world in deep confusion where values are often turned upside down, he is a wanderer who
knows his way around: "Know yourself and be more like."
The commitments of the Landsquenets
The Landsquenets together, as community, cultivate memory, even ritually, with tributes to the
fallen, are dedicated to training and offer a constructive and synergistic spirit that pushes to settle
disputes and to act on reality with serenity. In this they are available to others and to society as a
whole, with the criteria of disinterest, transparency and loyalty.
It is the external conditions that determine how one acts in the various nations and in the various
fields, but the spirit with which one does it is identical.
For those who are part of the narrower circle, made up of Landsquenets or structures created
directly by the Landsquenets, one must participate in the European meeting which is held every
year in July, one must organize at least one appointment a year in one's own country, yes he must
participate in the work of training and research and in the transversal initiatives that the
Landsquenets promote or support.
The transversal initiatives of the Landsquenets
The Landsquenet promotes initiatives, or adheres to initiatives, which are far from sectarianism and
incapacitating dogmas. Enemy of all defeatism, he participates in positive and constructive
tendencies, without ideological dogmas and seeks points of agreement rather than points of disagreement.
They are cultural, meta-political, economic, political, associative initiatives that can be of different
forms. They can be created and promoted by the Landsquenets, or initiatives in which the
Landsquenets participate or even initiatives to which the Landsquenets watch carefully even though
they are not part of it.
In none of these cases do the Landsknechts impose their brand. Whether it's study centers, regional
or youth associations, radioweb, we work with various other signatures.
The criteria to be respected in each of the initiatives in which the Landsquenets participate are:
a) loyalty towards others, which means not hiding one's belonging and never intervening in a
common dynamic to appropriate it but to serve it;
b) the building up of a coordination structure for each initiative;
c) every single coordination is required to regularly inform the Landsquenets of the initiatives
carried out or planned.
The Landsquenet is the bearer of both enthusiasm and difficulty at the same time. It must
remind anyone who wants to do something positive that it will be useless if they don't get their
bearings right first.
“It is not around those who make a great noise but those who build new values that silently
travel the world”. This is what the Landsknecht always remembers and intends to act on.
Landsquenets are established in concentric circles.
Open but selective: those who take part in their initiatives are not yet Landsquenets, they will
become so with regular attendance and discipline.
Mentality in action
“It is not around those who invent new noise: but around those who invent new values, who silently
travel the world”.
The Landsquenets do not constitute a movement or a party and are not hypnotized by the utopias of
the marginalized for which the imminent fall of a system and a popular insurrection are expected.
They do not presume to take themselves for the owners of the truth and miraculous solutions. The
Landsquenets are neither exhibitionists nor mythomaniacs.
The Landsquenets are not antagonists, but revolutionaries in the etymological sense of re-volvere.
They act to weave networks, to build positively, to settle disputes, to grow and make people grow.
They do not pose themselves towards political subjects as merciless jurors, just as they do not do so
as adoring subjects. They don't bring this or that political or intellectual subject from the dust to the
altar but always seek synergies and collaborations with valid people in any field so that spaces can
be filled, built, created and thus contributed to changing society.
The Landsquenets give their contribution in the political and cultural fields.
This concerns the Landsquenets as an entity. As far as each individual Landsquenet is concerned, he
must learn to approach political and intellectual subjects and even governments with this mentality
and no other.
Training for the Landsquenets is of absolute importance.
The internal existential, philosophical and cultural formation takes place on the basis of everything
we have written. Then there are other training fields: one is the historical one linked to one's own
nation and to Europe. In every nation it is appropriate to build study groups for the rediscovery of
the essentials of the past, including the mistakes not to be repeated, to try to propose it again revised
and corrected in the present and towards the future.
A methodological and technical preparation is also necessary through tools such as the Accademia
Europa, which aims at understanding and dominating the new era.
Finally, through writings and webradio, webtv, etc., what is the internal formation of the
Landsquenets must be conveyed in order to offer it to other political subjects in harmony.
Our sense of belonging is a source of pride in humility.
The Landsquenet must be, or at least become, a person who is polite and respectful of others.
Every single Landsquenet must fulfill what is required of him to be such ("The commitments of the
single Landsquenet"), must give himself a discipline and have an open mind to changes, to try to
become avant-garde.
He must be an inflexible judge of himself and perform acts, basically simple, but important which
will allow him to emerge, from time to time, from the hypnosis of our time and to nourish righteous
feelings for every situation.