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The Lansquenets of Europe, formed by Gabriele Adinolfi, operate in various nations.
On this page you can get information about them and download some of their training
Anyone who wants to be informed about the initiatives in real time or has questions to ask
can leave their phone number by e-mail Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. be reached via Whatsapp and/or their email
Lansdquenets norms
Internal document
Being a Landsquenet is above all an existential choice.
The Landsquenet must free himself from everyday conditioning and hypnosis and escape from the
logic of the society of entertainment.
The Landsquenet must act to become aware of himself and to help our people become aware of us.
A free man among the ruins, he wants to learn to ride the tiger in the dark time.
The Landsquenets of Europe
What are the Landsquenets
A Company, a Guild, a School.
Since 2014 every day we build an indissoluble European bond between people who are inspired by
a common idea of the world, vertical, profound, beyond the material and opportunism, people who
believe that, by respecting the right criteria, man can intervene on the community life and history
and should not float like a leaf in the wind but aspire to be compared rather to the cherry blossom,
unique in its kind, although apparently similar to the others.
Strategy, method and project explained by Gabriele Adinolfi:
Yes, but what can be done?
I haven't heard this question for years, a question that had coexisted with a significant portion of my
life at a time when the urge to confront reality was ever-present.
How so? To be honest, only a select few ever posed this question. It was the life talking, the longing
to commit oneself, as in Marco Piazzesi's Diario di uno Squadrista Toscano: …”let’s create the
Republic or the Monarchy, the Revolution or the Reaction, but let's create something!
There is a lack of something, there is a empty space to fill.
Which one? In a time of total transformation, when Globalization and various forms of Mondialism (and protest against one and the other) dominate the scene, when nothing more is replicable than the politics we knew, when democracy as ritual is dead and is. - instead - tyrannical as a corrupted soul, one must change by remaining oneself.
This is rarely done because daily stresses attract too many people and push them to mutate dna (dissolution) or erect psychorigid barricades (fossilization).
Over everything the two temptations are equivalent and cancel each other out without a winning synthesis.
Then one thinks, writes, debates, theorizes (intellectual suggestion) or one pretends to ride the electoral myth because, one says, it is with those tools that one changes everything (party suggestion).
The B.J.J.
Self-mastery is an arduous and essential
journey, a masterpiece for the lansquenet
Luigi Mazzetti di Pietralata
“Where there is discomfort, there is fear. In these very difficult positions,
you find yourself in a small corner of hell. And through this daily suffering,
you learn how to survive in those situations. You must become comfortable
in uncomfortable situations. You must be able to live your worst nightmare.
Jitsu puts you in situations where you must be fully focused to find a
solution to the problem. This trains the mind to build concentration,
increase awareness, and enhance your problem-solving ability. Sometimes,
you won’t win. You can’t always win. But this has nothing to do with defeat”.
Rickson Gracie
Martial Arts and Combat
Sports: from power to action
Luca Tinti
Castor: A contest between two men using fists.
Pollux: With fists as well as with feet.
Castor: With all the strength you have.
Nunc, si cui virtus animusque in pectore praesens, adsit et evinctis atollat brachia
palmis. Now, if someone possesses skill and ready courage, let him come forward and
raise his arms with bandaged fists.
(Virgil Canto V Aeneid)
French boxing is the product of great patience and long study. When you know
everything there is to know you invent more. And when you have invented more, you
still have to learn.
Georges Carpentier (boxer and actor)
Operative Tao and the Landsknechts
Reinterpreting the myth of the cave by Plato in the "Republic",chapter VII * A discipline of body and spirit
by Christian René Robin
The practice of Tai Chi Quan allows the practitioner to balance
and direct the mind. It is a full awareness of one's own
corporeality through understanding and the will to act on
oneself. This technique offers everyone the possibility to realign
and free themselves from the contingencies of the world,
achieving a salutary mental detachment. No longer subject
exclusively to discursive reason Tai Chi Quan allows the
individual to efficiently understand the natural and independent
power of the physical body on the mind. The mind is left
unaffected by all else and comes to believe it has full
dominance over the subject before it. The practice then
develops fundamental abilities: the power of sustained mental
concentration and internal control of the body, both muscular
and organic. It is a strengthening exercise of both body and